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A Vase that provides prosthetic Roots to Freshly Cut Flowers

A Vase that provides prosthetic Roots to Freshly Cut Flowers


The Israeli designer, Shay Shafranek, created a vase capable of keeping cut-flowers alive.

“In the 21st century, the average person desires to bring nature into his home environment,” says designer Shay Shafranek, “cutting nature from its life source, sentencing it to death and putting it in a special coffin—a flower vase—in which the flower will slowly whither and die.”

This observation summarizes the concept behind this innovative prosthetic vase, which is glass container with capillary tubes that suck water upwards like roots. With this vase, wanting to bring a piece of nature into your home doesn’t equal a small death.

Whether this vase works or not (though hopefully it does), it is the idea what matters most: breaking away from the frivolous whim of wanting to have flowers in the home.

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