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The Unarius Science Academy and intergalactic diplomacy


An ambitious project for intergalactic and transdimensional research.

The Universe is the Practical Joke of the General at the expense of the Particular.

-Aleister Crowley

The word “sect” awakens dangerous, potentially fatal associations: its history is that of an eclectic interpretation, differentiated from more powerful cults. Christianity, nonetheless, began as a sect, and the Unarius Science Academy is not just one of the most innocuous sects, but, it is honestly, also one of the most entertaining in terms of configuration and vision: an involuntary parody of turn of the 20th century occultism, as well as one of its best accomplished products.

The Unarius Academy was founded by Ernest Norman and his wife Ruth in 1954. Ernest said he was the reincarnation of Jesus Christ, as well as the earthly incarnation of Raphael the Archangel; in turn, his wife said she was Uriel’s emissary and the reincarnation of Confucius, Mona Lisa and Poseidon, among many other avatars.

According to legend, the couple met in séance sessions conducted by Ernest, where he would help the spirits of soldiers who had died during the Second World War communicate with their widows. Shortly after they met, they began working together in a cosmology that predicted an encounter with aliens in the year 2001, as well as publishing over 100 books and producing multiple informative videos (which are a kitsch 1980s treasure), which generally featured Ruth dressed as a space ambassador.

“Unarius” is the acronym for “UNiversal ARticulate Interdimensional Understanding of Science”, which is why, since the very beginning, its founders have tried to unite the messianic vocation with the spirit of scientific progress —especially with the work of Nikola Tesla.

After Ernest’s death, Ruth organized the Unarius Academy as a confederation of religious organizations linked to UFOs, imparting annual conferences that continue to take place in California. When Ruth passed away, her legacy was gradually dispersed, but her videos and points of view on intergalactic diplomacy continue to be a vivifying source of involuntary and eccentric humor.

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