Faena Theater’s Late-Night Dance Party: Nocturne
Get your wildest costume together. Faena Theater is throwing a late-night dance party on March 22 that’s the antidote to all things ordinary.
Step into a fantastical world where the lines blur between artist and audience. Part cirque nouveau, part dance rave and part Magic City, the new Nocturne series at Faena Theater is serving up an all-consuming evening of creative bacchanalia. After a showing of its scintillating new revue, Samsara Cabaret, the theater will transform into an immersive nocturnal nightclub where late-night party-goers will find themselves dancing among a parade of scantily-clad burlesque performers swinging from silk ropes, cavorting in cages, spinning fire and contorting into mind-bending poses. Evocative vignettes will unfold in dark corners and under spotlights, taking the evening on unexpected twists and turns as heart-pounding beats, uplifting vocals and electric violins command the crowd. The incendiary party series will hinge around a colorful theme (think House of Dolls and Secret Jungle) that will inspire the cocktails, the soundtrack, the performances and the costumes. Guests are highly encouraged to flex their creative muscles with theatrical regalia. It’s time to surrender inhibitions, revel in unreality and stay up way past your bedtime.
Ages 21+ welcome. Tickets start at $30 per person. In-house guests may dial the concierge at 4037 for reservations. For tickets and more information, visit www.faenatheater.com